Like our motto says “Together Against Computer Illiteracy”, our association aims at uniting ICT teachers in pursuit of teaching excellence, awareness, harmony and professionalism with the help of various stakeholders.
As one of the activities to help achieve this, the association organized the 2019 Capacity Development Workshop (CDW) that was hosted by Kololo Senior Secondary School on the 6th and 7th of May 2019.
The workshop attracted over 200 participants from 159 schools all over Uganda. The teachers met, had several sessions on both theory and practical aspects of the ICT curricula, had inspirational sessions by various facilitators, officials and sponsors.
We are currently compiling a detailed report which will be published in the coming weeks, but first, lets share some of the photo moments taken at the two day residential workshop.
Early Bird: This teacher was the first resident to arrive at Kololo SS and to check in to the hostel Participants waiting for registration ITAU Tshirts on display Several ICT and Computer Studies books were on sale by different authors Several ICT and Computer Studies books were on sale by different authors Mr. Ayub Kalema leading a session on Elementary Programming Participants taking notes Mr. Ayub leading a session on Elementary Programming Mr. Ayub leading a session on Elementary Programming Participants taking notes Participants interact with facilitators after a session Chairperson (Left) interacting with a facilitator after a session Participants in a practical session in the lab Mr. Mwondah David facilitating the Assessment session at the CDW National Coordinator (Right) welcoming the Patron Mr. Buyye Abubaker the ICT Desk officer / Senior Education officer at the Ministry of Education and sports, who is also ITAU Patron, addresses the members
Mr. Buyye Abubaker the ICT Desk officer / Senior Education officer at the Ministry of Education and sports, who is also ITAU Patron, addresses the members
Mr. Buyye Abubaker the ICT Desk officer / Senior Education officer at the Ministry of Education and sports, who is also ITAU Patron, addresses the membersMr. Mukalele Rogers demonstrating the the Sharebility Uganda Elearning System to the members Mr. Mukalele Rogers demonstrating the the Sharebility Uganda Elearning System to the members Mr. Mukalele Rogers demonstrating the the Sharebility Uganda Elearning System to the members Participants in a practical session in the lab Participants in a practical session in the lab Members of the ITAU SACCO interim committee leading a session on formation of the SACCO Sponsor Presentations in progress Participants taking notes Lunch Time A participant making a submission during one of the ssessions Executives doing background work Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time Guest of honor upon his arrival in the hall Mr. Dumba Stephen sharing guides a participant on how to crip ethernet cables Lunch Time A session in progress in the hall A session in progress in the hall Lunch Time Lunch Time Mr. Dumba Stephen sharing about Computer Laboratory Managament Participants in a practical session in the lab An ICT Teacher sharing a testimony about Mr. Dumba Stephen sharing about Computer Laboratory Managament Mr. Dumba Stephen sharing about Computer Laboratory Managament Mr. Eneku Ronald giving tips on Advanced Word Processing Mr. Dumba Stephen sharing about Computer Laboratory Managament On day one, sessions went on till night time On day one, sessions went on till night time On day one, sessions went on till night time On day one, sessions went on till night time ITAU SACCO training session in progress ITAU SACCO training session in progress Participants watching a video of the RCDF director about ICT Clubs Mr. Chole Richard presenting about ICT Clubs progress Participants watching a video of the RCDF director about ICT Clubs Participants watching a video of the RCDF director about ICT Clubs Mr. Kakaire Charles addressing the members during the workshop Headteacher Kololo SS addresses the participants A session in progress in the hall Headteacher Kololo SS addresses the participants
Hon. Nyombi Thembo, the Director of RCDF at Uganda Communications Commission was the guest of honor.
Hon. Nyombi Thembo, the Director of RCDF at Uganda Communications Commission was the guest of honor.Hon. Nyombi Thembo, the Director of RCDF at Uganda Communications Commission was the guest of honor. Mr. Mukalele Rogers making some communication during the closing ceremony
Hon. Nyombi Thembo, the Director of RCDF at Uganda Communications Commission was the guest of honor.
Hon. Nyombi Thembo, the Director of RCDF at Uganda Communications Commission was the guest of honor.Certificates being given out at the end of the workshop Certificates being given out at the end of the workshop ITAU Executives posing for a photo with XULDIME staff Participants in a practical session in the lab Participants in a practical session in the lab Participants in a practical session in the lab Lunch Time Chairperson leading a session XULDIME presentation in progress Group Photo Some executives taking a selfie after the close of the workshop A participant poses with his workshop certificate
To be continued: More Photos, Videos to be added.