The ITAU Electoral Committee has been instituted, a call for Nominations for posts on the ITAU National Executive Committee 2022-2025 has been published and roadmap drawn as provided for in the ammended ITAU Articles of Association alias ‘Constitution’.
According to article 4.6 clause 5 and article 5.1 of the amended constitution of ITAU (available at
● There shall be annual general elections at the end of every three years.
● The elections shall be presided over by the independent electoral committee instituted by the ITAU board of directors.
● The board of directors shall be responsible for instituting an independent electoral committee led by a returning officer and other electoral officials as needed to conduct elections and by elections in the association from time to time.
● All bonafide members shall be eligible to vote and be voted for.
● Voting shall be on the basis of one person one vote and may be by secret ballot, by show of hands, online or hybrid as planed and communicated by the independent electoral committee.
● Whenever there is a tie at the counting of votes for any position, re-elections shall be held for the same post for the best two of the contesting candidates.
● Nominations can be called before the day of the AGM, but a candidate / nominee shall be required to attend the AGM physically and be seconded by at least one person.
● Handover and swearing in ceremonies will be conducted after declaration of results during the AGM, and taking of the outh as indicated in the appendix of the costitution
● The Handover will be presided over by the independent electoral committee, the board, honorary patron and guest of honor.
Institution of the ITAU Electoral Committee
On 21st March 2022, the ITAU board made a public invitation for applications / expression of interest for being a returning officer or member of the electoral committee. The invitation was published through the various official ITAU WhatsApp groups.
This was followed by a NEC meeting on 27th March 2022, in which the electoral guidelines drawn by the board members were presented to the ITAU NEC.
We just concluded an ITAU NEC meeting at our association head office in Wandegeya, Kampala! Lots of resolutions have been reached in preparation for ITAU CDW/AGM ( slated for Easter Tue 19th-Thur 21st next month at Trinity college, Nabbingo. #ICTTrsUg
— ICT Teachers Association of Uganda (ITAU) (@ictteachersug) March 27, 2022
On the 30th March 2022, successful ITAU EC applicants were invited to the ITAU office for induction and swearing in.
ITAU Independent Electoral Committee members taking outh as they assume office at our Offices in Kampala. They are:
— ICT Teachers Association of Uganda (ITAU) (@ictteachersug) March 31, 2022
Mr. MUSAMALI MOSES – Returning officer
Ms. Khainza Edith – Finance officer
Mr. Ocen Morrish – Secretary
Join the electoral register via
Profiles of the ITAU Electoral Committee officers 2022-2025
Mr. Moses Musamali is going to be taking on the role of the Returning officer of the ITAU EC. He is a professional ICT/Mathematics teacher at St Marys College Lugazi. Moses was also one of the Teachers of the Edify eClasses Project 2021, and has experience with school council elections.
Ms. Khainza Edith is going to serve as a Finance officer on the ITAU EC. She is a Graduate of Business Computing, and currently works with JINJA MAFUBIRA TEACHER’S SACCO, and is also one of the facilitators of the ITAU-Edify EdTech Training program. She participated in the 2016 Uganda presidential elections and says that she is motivated by the fact that ITAU aims at getting rid of computers illiteracy, and that as an electoral officer, she will ensure support for free and fair elections to uphold the main goal.
Mr. Ocen Morrish, is going to serve as the Secretary of the ITAU EC. He is an ICT teacher at Uganda Martyrs Secondary School Kayunga district. Morrish was an polling officer in the recent 2021 Uganda general election and is an active member of ITAU who has been attending several workshops since 2018 till the recent one at Makerere College school.

Online Nomination Forms
The following are the links to the online nomination forms through which aspiring candidates will apply to the ITAU EC for nominations for positions to be filled during the upcoming ITAU AGM at Trinity College, Nabbingo: ITAU National
ITAU National
ITAU National Secretary
ITAU National Projects
ITAU National Publicity
ITAU National Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Secretary
ITAU Regional Chairpersons (Central, Eastern, Western, Northern)
ITAU National
Qualifications and Responsibilities of the various NEC offices:
According to Section 4.6 of the amended ITAU constitution:
1 National Chairperson
The Association shall have a National Chairperson who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
- Must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
- Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 5 years as evidenced in his/her CV and recommendation letter from current / recent school/institution of work.
- Must have previously served ITAU as an executive or facilitator in any of the ITAU programs / projects.
- Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 5 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects).
- Be the executive head of the association.
- Preside over the NEC Ordinary and Extra-ordinary Meetings;
- Be the spokesperson of the Association;
- Preside over all general meetings of the association;
- Have a casting vote in all meetings of the Association;
- Be ex-officio member of all Committees;
- Be the custodian of the association stamp and seal.
- Be a co-signatory in all negotiable transactions of the Association;
- Be responsible for drawing and execution of the work plans of the association in consultation with the NEC.
- Have to the authority to contract any officials / secretariat staff to perform administrative or technical duties for ITAU when need arises, with the approval of the NEC.
- Spearhead the establishment and operation of the ITAU SACCO in conjunction with the NEC.
- Be responsible for ensuring the legality of ITAU as per the laws of Uganda, and seek / outsource legal guidance where need arises with the approval of the NEC.
- Such other duties as may be bestowed upon him by the AGM or NEC, provided that it does not violate this Constitution, or any other written laws.
2 National Vice-Chairperson
The Association shall have a National Vice Chairperson who shall be strategically appointed by the National Chairperson Elect, in consideration of one or more of several factors / situations like:
- Need for gender balancing especially if the rest of the elected NEC members are predominantly one gender
- Need for regional balancing, for instance of chairperson is from upcountry and needs a deputy close to the secretariat for easy supervision
- Need for Unity or Strengthening of the association for instance choosing a deputy from one of the close contenders whose inclusion on the NEC is desirable.
- Any other factor at the discretion of the National Chairperson entrusted to be the executive head of the association.
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Exercise the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence from office or in his/her inability to act;
- Act as the official internal affairs officer of the Association including internal crisis, dispute and security matters;
- Organize and chair the disciplinary committee meetings when need arises;
- Perform any other duties bestowed upon him by the NEC provided that, these duties do not violate the spirit of this Constitution or are inconsistent with the respective duties provided for other members of the NEC .
3 National Secretary General
The Association shall have a National Secretary General who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
•Must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
•Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 2 years as evidenced in his/her CV.
•Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 3 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects) since 2018.
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Be the Secretary to the NEC, Annual General Meeting, Ordinary, Extra-ordinary Meetings.
- Keep a roll of attendance of the meetings.
- Have the power to punish late coming, absenteeism, misconduct and/or use of improper language during meetings in accordance with the Constitution.
- Oversee and maintain all minutes, correspondences, records and property of the Association;
- Keep files, registers and minutes of the Association;
- In consultation with the Chairperson and members of the Executive in general, draw the agenda for the association meetings and to issue notices of such meetings.
- Maintain correspondence with other Secretaries and other stakeholders;
- Make available to the Chairperson all documents and reports relating to matters to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting.
- Perform any other duties bestowed upon her/him by NEC provided they do not violate the spirit of this Constitution or create a chance of collision of responsibilities of other members of the NEC.
4 National Treasurer
The Association shall have a National Treasurer who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
•Must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
•Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 2 years as evidenced in his/her CV.
•Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 3 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects) since 2018.
•Should be a teacher with stable income, preferably on government payroll
•Should be an entrepreneur with good financial standing
•Should be knowledgeable about principles and practices of accounting
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Oversee the day-to-day work of the accountant at the ITAU secretariat and work closely with accountant to ensure proper management of the finances of the organization.
- Receive and bank all monies paid to the Association and be responsible for the Association’s funds;
- Accept subscriptions and donations in the name of the Association with the approval of the NEC;
- Shall be a co-signatory to the organizations bank account from the funds as authorized by the NEC;
- Draw up a budget, and maintain an up-to-date statement of accounts and reports indicating income and expenditure for each year for approval, and for publication at the AGM;
- Shall ensure that all books of accounts are made available to any of the members of the NEC, provided that written notice has been given seven (7) days in advance, for inspection purposes;
- Keep records of membership dues and other financial records;
- Be the custodian of the association’s property.
5 National Projects Secretary
The Association shall have a National Projects Secretary who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
- He must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
- Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 2 years as evidenced in his/her CV.
- Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 3 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects) since 2018.
- Should be conversant with project proposal writing and implementation
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Mobilize members of the association for any project ideas;
- Table ideas regarding new projects that ITAU can take on for consideration during association meetings.
- Be in charge of project proposal writing and submission to potential partners
- Liaise with the NEC and secretariat staff for successful projects implementation
- Oversee ongoing projects and get periodic project reports written and shared with appropriate stakeholders.
- Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the NEC.
6 National Publicity Secretary
The Association shall have a National Publicity Secretary who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
- He must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
- Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 2 years as evidenced in his/her CV.
- Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 3 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects) since 2018.
- Must be conversant with managing ITAU’s WordPress powered website, social media, mailing lists, bulk SMS and / or other publicity platforms for the association
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Spearhead the creation of official ITAU promotional material for dissemination to the members, such as banners, posters, photography and video coverage, and other advertising material for publicizing all activities of the association, with the help of the NEC, regional committee members and secretariat staff.
- Be an administrator of the ITAU website and social media platforms, such as Facebook Pages and Groups, Twitter Accounts, WhatsApp groups, Telegram groups, Google Classroom, YouTube Channel, mailing lists, etc.
- Lead the circulation of relevant information to the members of the Association through notices and announcements and publicize the activities of the association in all forms and manifestations including on the ICT Teachers website, email and social and / or print magazines / media.
- Be responsible for spearheading the creation of the Annual ITAU computer literacy magazines.
- Be responsible for branding the association and work with the Projects and Events secretary on branding projects such as the ITAU t-shirts.
- Be a spokesperson of the association as guided by the chairperson.
- Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the NEC.
7 Special Interest Groups Secretary
The Association shall have a Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Secretary who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
- Must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
- Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 1 year as evidenced in his/her CV.
- Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 2 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects) since 2018.
- Must be belonging to at least one of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs) such as people with disabilities, people with albinism, disadvantaged /hard to reach communities, refugees, women, ICT teachers and trainees in tertiary institutions, primary schools, etc in the programs, leadership and general agenda of the association
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Spearhead the awareness drive and inclusion of SIGs.
- To carry out continuous research about various assistive technologies that can be used to empower and support the members from SIGs, and design programs for consideration by the NEC.
- Design activities for observance of special days for the various special interest groups, e.g Women’s Day, and laisse with the publicity secretary and the NEC to disseminate sensitization information about the plight and available ICT solutions to challenges of SIGs.
- Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the Chairperson or the NEC.
8 Regional Chairpersons
The Association shall have Regional Chairpersons for Central, Eastern, Western and Northern regions, who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
•Must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
•Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 5 years as evidenced in his/her CV and recommendation letter from current / recent school/institution of work.
•Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 3 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects) since 2018.
- Head and chair the meetings of their respective regional committees.
- Represent their constituencies / regional committees on the NEC;
- As may be needed, liaise with the NEC to establish regional offices for the association and appoint staff / officials to carry out association work at the regional offices.
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Present the views from their respective constituencies.
- Guide the NEC in planning and implementing of the association programs in the various regions and sub-regions.
- Provide leadership to the sub regional mobilisers to mobilize more members who are not yet aware of the Association in their respective regions, in the field, marking centers, seminars, and other fora.
- Work together / with assistance of the regional vice chairperson whose duty is to deputize the regional chairperson and carry out all roles of the chairperson in his/her absentia.
- Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the Chairperson or the NEC.
9 National Coordinator
The Association shall have a National Coordinator who shall be elected by all bona fide members of ITAU.
- Must be a fully paid-up bona fide member of ITAU
- Must have ICT teaching experience of at least 5 years as evidenced in his/her CV.
- Must have previously served ITAU as an executive or facilitator in any of the ITAU programs / projects.
- Must have either attended, organized or facilitated at least 5 ITAU events / programs (workshops / trainings / general meetings / projects).
- Should have a flexible schedule, ready to traverse the entire Country in coordination of the association’s activities Nationwide
The National Coordinator shall:
- To attend all executive meetings and freely give input on matters under discussion.
- Coordinate services required during sickness or bereavement of any bonafide member(s) of the Association;
- Spearhead the welfare and social support to the members of the association.
- To mediate in case there are misunderstandings among the members of the association.
- Strive to ensure that all the NEC members and Committees, have cordial relations among them, and that their goals articulate the policies of the Association;
- Work in liaison with all NEC members and be ready to give support to or stand-in for any member of the NEC in the execution of his/her duties where need arises, with the approval of the member or the chairperson.
- Perform any other duties that he /she may be assigned by the Chairperson or the NEC.
Electoral Roadmap
- To become a bonafine member of ITAU, one need to subscribe through the ITAU website at
- If any bonafide member feels qualified for any of the available positions, they are called upon to fill in and submit the nomination forms above with all needed attachments for nomination.
- The nomination fee is only UGX 30,000 for National Chairperson and 20,000 for the rest of the positions, payable through the EC Finance Officer, Ms. Khainza Edith via Airtel Money: 0704254607 / MTN Mobile Money:0786344522. Nomination fees are for facilitating the entire budget of the Independent Electoral Commission in organizing and conducting the elections.
- NB: Deadline for submission nominations will be Tuesday 12th April, 2022 at 17:00hrs, and shortlisted candidates will be published on Wednesday 13th April, 2022 to mark the start of campaigns.
- The EC will arrange for a virtual and physical campaign program for nominated candidates.
- Elections will be by secret ballot physically during the upcoming ITAU AGM at Trinity College Nabbingo on 20th April 2022. Visit for AGM invitation letter and detailed program.
2 Responses
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.