According to Article 3 of the ITAU articles of association / constitution, any teacher of ICT or ICT related course in any school/institution in Uganda qualifies to be an ordinary member of ITAU, but can only become a full bona fide member of ITAU after paying an annual subscription fee set by the ITAU executive for a given year.
During a special sitting of the ITAU National Executive Committee on 27th March 2022 at ITAU offices, the annual subscription fee for bonafide members this year was set to UGX 10,000.
Bona fide members have the following rights and benefits which ordinary members dont have:
- Being given priority for ITAU programs and opportunities like jobs, trainings, scholarships and special considerations to facilitate workshops and trainings under ITAU / partner projects.
- Have the right to vote in the Associations’ elections; to elect or be elected to any of ITAU leadership position unless otherwise provided in the constitution;
- Having higher rights as enshrined in the constitution e.g to propose amendments, move a vote of no confidence as per section 5.5 of the constitution, hold the executives to account for any ITAU programs / activities etc.
- Getting publishing rights on the ITAU website to be able to write articles and also sell products through the ITAU shop.
- Being added to a special bona fides mailing list to get access to prime ITAU resources
- Can get letter of recommendation from ITAU when needed for career advancement.
- Special consideration / free entry to some ITAU professional development programs/ activities such as workshops, meetups which will be organized from time to time in different regions across the country.
- Special recognition and listing as a bona fide member in the ITAU records / website.
- Have access to the bona-fides welfare fund as guided by the welfare policy which will be instituted by the executive committee.
NB: The funds collected from members subscription is the members free-will support to ITAU towards Association programs and full accountability for this fund is to be included in accounts during the ITAU AGM.
You can pay your bonafide membership subscription online through this ITAU shop product page, and downloading the Bonafide Members Card [PDF] which will be auto-generated upon checkout and successful payment. In case of any help / inquiries, call the ITAU administrator on 0772929385 / 0702451053.
Teopista Namugerwa –
I wish to become a member of this group
Nnyamayaalwo shaffik Khan –
I wish to be part of this family
I wash to join this group