Xuldime: The Smart School ID -Pocket Money System

Xuldime is a application that facilitates families to plan, save and manage education expenses. Parents can now order and pay for supplies for their students in their respective schools. It is Great app for parents because it simplifies school expenses management.

Screenshots of the Xuldime App

The Xuldime is managed by LipaMobile is a solution that enables families to plan save and manage education expenses – such as School fees, Pocket Money and school requirements.

Testimonies from some Schools Using Xuldime / LipaMobile

For a very long time, St Julian High School, Gayaza, had failed to address complaints of theft of pocket money in the dormitories. The deputy head teacher at St Julian High School, Stephen Owori, told The Observer, that cases of theft have been resolved through a solution many students were initially opposed to.

“At school, we have a provision for students given pocket money in the excess of Shs 5,000 to keep it with the school bursar. But most of the students prefer to keep their money in the dormitory,” Owori said. “And guess what, money is delicate and they ended up robbing each other.”

St Julian students would go to the dormitories with pocket money ranging from Shs 70,000 to Shs 150,000 each term. Today, the vice is history after the school embraced a smart application dubbed Xuldime by LipaMobile, which uses plastic smart cards to make transactions.

“Parents no longer need to give hard cash to their children. [Instead] they send money to the card by dialing 270*7# on their phones … [after this, they are able to] monitor purchases made by the child through a text message sent after every transaction at the canteen,” Owori said, adding that theft of pocket money has reduced by almost three quarters since the school embraced the technology for the last one year.

A similar service was introduced at Nabisunsa Girls SS as Lenard Butsiba, the schools’ head of Chemistry, explains:

“It is now a school policy that all children must own a LipaMobile card instead of bringing hard cash. We use the cards as a gate pass, at the sickbay, library and in the dining hall to access meals and control doubling by some students,” he said.

Each card costs Shs 25,000 and a student can use it for up to six years. If a student decides to leave the school to join another that does not have the system, a parent can withdraw all the savings on the card at the school premises.

Nabisunsa Girls’ School students pose with their LipaMobile cards

“With these transaction cards, no one can steal and use it unless you have its secret code. The cards also bear the photographs of the owners; so, we also utilise them as school identity cards.”

Features of Xuldime

  1. Allows families to manage school payments at their own time, space and speed, thereby saving time and money to bank or send payments.
  2. Saves time & money, guarantees quality & delivery of school requirements.
  3. Lowers the charges for sending and eliminates theft/loss of pocket money.
  4. It helps to teach families how to manage their budget.
  5. Frees up teachers/ administrators’ time from managing these payments.
  6. Enables the school eliminate students’ use of unauthorized merchandise.

The families make payments by;

  1. Dialling *270*7# follow prompts to enter students account numbers (parents mobile number + two digits (students date of birth)) and access their MTN/ Airtel Money wallets.
  2. Downloading the Xuldime parent app from PLAY STORE onto their smartphones.
Fig: How Xuldime parent app appears on Play store

3. Then register student account number – and access Xuldime app to make payments and purchases for school requirements.

The Xuldime smart School ID cards can be used for; gate pass, sick bay, library, mess, etc..

For more information, you can leave your contacts through this form or call Helpline: Mr. Laban Jemba; 266 752 692 502.

Xuldime is one of the sponsors of the 2nd annual national ICT teachers capacity development workshop (CDW) scheduled for  6th – 7th May 2019, organized by the ICT Teachers Association of Uganda (ITAU) and hosted by Kololo Senior Secondary School, Kampala. Sponsoring the CDW is an ideal way to demonstrate your organization’s commitment to promoting ICT in education.

A team from Xuldime will be available to share and interact more with the members during the workshop. To attend, be sure to register at cdw.ictteachersug.net in advance.

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