Upcoming ITAU Activities Aug-Sep 2022: Download all invitation letters here

We call upon members to get actively involved as we make arrangements for these and more activities.Together Against Computer Illiteracy

One of the key objectives of the ICT Teachers Association of Uganda is to organize workshops and other activities through which members network and share resources and opportunities. The executive members of the association are therefore making arrangements for organizing activities for several teachers and students. Below are some of the confirmed activities for this period of August / September 2022:

15th August – ITAU SACCO General Meeting – Kampala

ITAU SACCO General Meeting is slated for 10am, Monday 15th Aug 2022 at St Luke’s Restaurant Mulago near Hospital Main Gate. The meeting is free to attend.

Agenda will include


Guests from Stanbic Bank/Flexipay, Ensibuko, and Surepay have been invited to join us, final part of the meeting will be streamed through zoom and youtube from 3pm-4pm via zoom link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/96793039780 Meeting ID: 967 9303 9780 Passcode: meet, to share key resolutions with other members who will be joining in virtually.

NB:  ITAU SACCO is a duly registered savings and credit cooperative society, focused on pursuing programs of Building a Savings Culture , Teacher Entrepreneurship, and Financial Empowerment of members. If you’re a new member, find more information about the ITAU SACCO at: https://sacco.ictteachersug.net

For proper planning, the ITAU SACCO Secretary, Mr. Mukalele Rogers is calling upon members to confirm attendance with him on 0776960740 / 0706060740

27th August – Western Region Technical Workshop – Ibanda

The ITAU Western Region executive team is organising a workshop for ICT Teachers at Ibanda SS slated for 27th August 2022. See invitation below for details.

For proper planning, the Chairperson ITAU Western Region, Mr. Nuwamanya Micheal is calling upon members to confirm attendance with him on 0788175657 / 0752085228


2nd – 3rd September: WordCamp – Jinja

You are specially invited to attend the upcoming WordCamp Jinja 2022 conference which will take place on Friday 2nd – Saturday 3rd September 2022 at The Innovation Village, Plot 5, Main Street, Jinja City. Download Invitation Letter below:

There will be a special workshop track for teachers and students on how to use the world’s most popular web design software, WordPress, to build dynamic and static websites for various purposes, including student / club projects as needed in the new curriculum, academic purposes as required by UNEB, occupational assessment as required by DIT, and to learn more on creating modern, efficient websites so as to support their schools in development and management of school websites and also earn side income through web design. Everyone is encouraged to carry a laptop for the practical sessions.

As ICT Teachers Association of Uganda, we are partnering with WordPress Community Uganda in organizing the special teachers workshop track for training teachers and students so that everyone leaves with a completely worked through website.

There will be an evening extra practice session in the Computer Lab at Jinja College on Fri 2nd Sept, and an after party with lots of fun at the source of the nile on Sat 3rd September! Full program is available at https://jinja.wordcamp.org/2022/schedule

A ticket costs UGX 40,000 only, and this grants you access to the venue, hands-on training and support, meals (breakfast and lunch for the two days), a WordCamp T-shirt, Internet Access, training materials and other logistics.

They can be purchased online at https://jinja.wordcamp.org/2022/tickets via a PayPal / VISA /MasterCard or manually through Mobile Money on 0772111223 / 0752111223

For members coming from upcountry, optional night accomodation options are available from UGX 20,000 – check out list at for some of the guest houses in Jinja for those who prefer private accomodation.

Read More: WordCamp Jinja 2022: Full List of Speakers

17th September: National A level ICT and Olevel Computer Studies Students – Mpigi

After the great success of over 1600 students attending Grand National ICT Seminar at Hilton High School, we are organising another one in conjunction with Joseph of Nazareth High School, Mpigi on 17th September 2022. See invitation letter below for details;

As many have raised the need, ITAU has responded and this is yet another opportunity, with the intention of enabling our learners to attain the utmost preparation for the coming UACE/UCE examinations

St Joseph of Nazareth High School Campus in Kavule Katende – Mpigi District

Why this seminar?
• Very informed facilitators will be available to help and guide our learners on how well we can prepare for the National examinations
• Both skills for teachers on how to handle practical examinations and tips on how to guide the learners for better results
• A lot of seminar materials will be availed to the learners to help them continue with self-study
The seminar has been scheduled for Saturday the 17th. Sept. 2022
Time: 8:00am to 5:00

The entry fee per student will be 10,000. Every teacher will be entitled to a commission on every student that he/she will bring.

Incharge: Mr. Paul Magomu, HOD ICT Dept 0784893098 / 0702612039

Confirm your presence by Clicking in this link to fill out a form

24th September: Central Region Technical Workshop, Masaka

After another successful ITAU technical workshop held at Makerere College in July, a similar workshop is being organized in Masaka at St. Bruno SS, Ssaazi Masaka on 27th September 2022. Download invitation letter below for details:

Grace yourself for another great technical workshop. A detailed programme will be shared soon!

Fee: 70K

For proper planning, the ITAU GREATER MASAKA Sub Region Mobiliser, Mr. Njala Charles, is calling upon members to confirm attendance with him on 0781366041

We call upon members to get actively involved as we make arrangements for these and more activities.Together Against Computer Illiteracy

Posted by Web Admin

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