Every end of year, students at 3 levels of the Ugandan Education System sit for formal tests of knowledge or proficiency in different subjects. Conducted by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB), these levels are Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE).

After a making exercise conducted at different centers by officers known as Examiners, the Minister of Education officially releases the results at the beginning of the following year. The period preceding the release of results is characterized by anxiety as teachers, students and parents impatiently wait for the results. This anxiety is heightened by the critics who are eager to weigh in on the flaws in the education system but giving little or no solutions to these flaws.
Back in the days, when results were released, students would wait for their schools to pick the results from UNEB and then they would in turn physically pick them up from their school. In some cases, the results would be displayed on a notice board for you to peruse through before going to the concerned office. But not anymore; the digital trend has helped improve this in that one can find out how he/she performed in the comfort of their home or even when abroad. Below are 4 ways you can access your UNEB results.
1. SMS System (Airtel & MTN)
On your phone, go to messages and type UCE <space> Index number and send to 6600. For example, your message will be UCE U0001/001 and send to 6600. This will cost you 500/= for every message you send. The results will be sent to you immediately. This solution comes in handy if you don’t have an internet connection.
2. UNEB e-Registration Portal (Entire class)
If you have access to UNEB’s e-Registration portal, you will get access to the entire school’s results. Simply go to ereg.uneb.ac.ug, fill in your details.
Click on UCE e-Results (Or your alternative)

This brings you a new page as shown below. Choose the level whose results you are interested in and download the pdf file.

3. Using UNEB e-Registration Portal (Individual candidate)
In this procedure, you will get the results of an individual index number. You are not required to provide the portal’s password.
In your browser, type https://ereg.uneb.ac.ug/results. You get to a page similar to this where you will provide the candidate’s index number. This will also show you their passport photo.

4. Android App [UNEB Results]
An android app called UNEB results can be found on Play Store and does something amazing. You will get the results accompanied by a passport photo of the respective candidate.
Simply enter the Index Number of the candidate and press Search. You will instantly get the results. Luckily, this all is not affected by OTT tax.

The methods used above were not available 20 years ago. All the above methods have been made possible by the advancement of technology. How do you think technology is going to shape the dispensation of results in the next decade? Kindly share your views on this platform or let me know.
Stephen Dumba
E-zone School of Computing
0772 111 223 / 0752 111 223