Roles and Responsibilities of Different Stake Holders in a School Setting


Wambede Issa (Wataba-Lecturer/Teacher), holds a Master’s Degree in (Edn Mgt, Admn & Plan), BA COMB. (HONS) degree, Conc Dip (Ed) & an adv cert in Comp Science & Information TechnologyHe has a wide working experience & expertise, in Facilitating, Mobilizing, Teaching, Writing and Research Consultancy. He has authored & published a number of academic related write ups, e.g. Research dissertation and its article on: “Remuneration & Staff Retention in Private Secondary Schools in Mbale Municipality-Uganda” (Interdisciplinary Journal of Education IUIU 2020), Eight (8) Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Professional Teacher (ICT Teachers Association of March/2021), The Scourge of Covid-19 Global Pandemic on Private Secondary Schools in Uganda-Mbale City/District 2021 Email: Mob No. (0782660019/ 0702660019 WhatsApp)

Mr. Oruru Aaron Steven holds a Bachelors Degree of Science in Information Technology, from Uganda Christian University Mukono. He is an Information Technologies Specialist with great experience and skills in ICT training, data and information management, database administration, systems administration, networking, information security, programming and web systems development. A multi-skilled and preemptive person that can handle most computer related tasks.

Aaron is an author/blogger who has written a number of technology-related blog posts, a majority seen on the ICT Teachers Association of Uganda Website (ITAU), he has recorded many Vlogs for the same Association something which he still carries on with, until date.

E-mail:  Mob No. 0784288740/0753624593


All Praising be to Allah Who Has given us the gift of life and knowledge to accomplish this online writeup, without much disturbances, We really thank Him for the mercy, protection, blessingsand His favor upon us in this noble cause. Peace and blessings of Allah be extended to our beloved messenger Muhammad (S.A.W) and those who came after him.

 We wish to acknowledge and extend our sincere thanks to various categories of people below who assisted us and greatly contributed to the success of this writeup.

We wish to express sincere gratitude to our beloved fathers the late Mzee Al-haji Sheikh Yusuf Ja’fari Wataba and my dear mother Safina Kaidu Wataba & Mzee Anguloruro Charles Dickens & mother Achiro Molly Sister Sanula Nambozo, Nulia Namaganda, bro Umar Massa, Muduku Jafari, Kigere Sowedi, and my beloved children Ubeid-llah Issa Wataba, Kautharah Issa Nabuduwa, Latwifah Issa Wataba , Raufah Issa Saphina Wataba and Wahdah Issa Wataba who were a source of inspiration, encouragement and support throughout our struggle.

Special gratitude goes to IUIU & UCU lecturers, Faculty of Education & ICT especially          Dr. Ssali. M. Bisaso, Dr. Maimuna Nimulola, Dr. Badru Musis, Dr. Amina Hassan, Mr. Kamonges Wahab Asad, Mr. Dr. Muhamadi Kawesi, Hajj Abubakar Ndagi Muhamad, Haji Ssebunya Abas, Angoda Emmanuel, Sifudu Peter and many others for giving us skills and knowledge to produce such write ups.

Special thanks goes to our workmates/friends who made a wonderful stay at workplace enjoyable at Mbale high school, Noor Islamic S.S & Nakaloke Islamic S.S especially, Ssembajja Sad, Mumbala Mustapha, Tenywa Adam, Masai Ali Mudebo, Mr Wambalo Stephen, Mr Chebet Fred, Mr Osang Aggrey Otheono, Md Nabukenya Aidah, Md Nabuyobo Rehmah, Mr. Maboni Isaac Namutome Ali, Wasika Umar, Mukwana Sirage, Kwaga Saida, Sserugo Haruna, Nabugwere Aisha, Buteeme Hanifah, Buwule Edith and many others.

We cannot thank you all for having made this writeup a reality, but only appreciating you for this great contribution and pray to Allah to give you courage and reward to those who will find ease in reading through it.


The role of Government in school setting

  • The Government has the right to assess and evaluate national exams at all levels and give feedback to the Country in the stipulated period of time through its mandatory Board known as UNEB (Uganda National Examinations Board).
  • The Government has a duty to make a follow up of professional matters through registration and looking forward to maintain ethical issues in education system.
  • The government is responsible for offering inspectional service through commissioners’ directorate of education
  • The government has a duty to provide scholastic materials to education institutions for easy teaching-learning processes to take place
  • The government is duty bound to formulate good education policies and ensuring BOG organs/PTA is set in every secondary school

The role of Board of Governors in school setting

  • Board of Governor is a policy formulation organ of the school; thus it is the heart of any institution to grow and prosper.
  • Board of Governors are mandated to monitor and guide the routine daily functions and activities of the school.
  • Board of Governors are the major employer organ of the school
  • Board of Governors do the work of administering the school budget
  • Board of Governors provides guidelines for conduct of schools 

The role of Foundation body in school setting

  • Board of Trusties/Foundation bodies are an overall supervisor of the private Institution
  • The body is responsible for lobbing both financial and material support for the Institution to grow and prosper
  • The body has a right to keep an eye watching of day to day running of the school in order to fulfill the supervisory role.
  • The body has a right to extend gifts, bonus and incentives to its employees who are to be self-motivated to perform duties.
  • The body is responsible for paying all outstanding debts- including salary areas and functional expenses such as utility bills, N.S.S.F, Insurance etc.
  • The body has a right to appoint and disappoint any employee through the advice of BOG and the Head teacher of the section.
  • The body acts as the overall in charge of physical development of the school for example land, buildings, furniture, fittings, and transport.
  • The body approves all financial transactions in relation to budget allocation.
  • The body overlooks general affairs of the school both internally and externally.

The role of a teacher as an instructor in school setting

  • By policy guidelines, teachers are supposed to offer teaching services to learners basing on school plan or time table.
  • Teachers should offer guidance and counseling to learners hence offering parental services to learners.
  • Teachers are mandated to prepare schemes of work with records of work to be covered, lesson plans and a copy be submitted to D.O.S or Deputy Headteacher.
  • Teachers by all means should be able to deliver, be audible and make sure that learners understand what he/ she teaches them.
  • Teachers are supposed to conduct, tests, set exams and mark them and give feedback to learners.
  • A teacher should follow a school curricular and National Curricular (syllabus)
  • Teachers should submit student’s progressive results to the D.O.S in time for proper record keeping.
  • A teacher should be committed and be regular at school unless with a written apology.
  • A teacher should behave professionally and follow teacher’s code of conduct.
  • A teacher should respect other officials. For example, H.O.D, D.O.S, Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher.
  • A teacher should maintain cordial relationship with other Staff members in the school.
  • A teacher should be creative, hardworking and should bring fundamental changes in his / her department.
  • A teacher should advise, the Headteacher about the new developments in his subject.

The role of administrators in school setting

  • The administrators in any school have got an important role to play. For education to achieve its set goals, the administrative structure and its operations must be clear and practical,
  • Administrators are supposed to give directions, control and management of all matters pertaining education and school finance
  • Administrators act as a link of all departments. For example, teaching, Non –teaching students, and the Community around the school
  • Administrators have role to supervise teachers in regard to matters affecting academics.
  • Administrators co-ordinates, supervise internal and external students’ registration and any outings of all nature.
  • Administrators are supposed to supervise and coordinate school activities. For example, assemblies, staff meetings, exams and etc.
  • Administrators plans for Staff development. For example, Staff recruitment, hiring and training.

The role of parents or guardians in school setting:

  • A parent has a duty to escort his / her child to school in the 1st day of reporting.
  • A parent has a duty to provide daily necessities to the childlike; food, clothing, medicine.
  • A parent has a right to pay school fees of his or her child with other accompaniment For example books, uniform, pens, pencils pocket money.
  • A parent has a duty to visit his / her child at least 3 times in the term.
  • A parent has a right to ask for progressive performance of his/ her child.
  • A parent has a right to know all the subject teachers who handle his / her child and where possible keep in touch with those teachers.
  • The parent has a duty to pay fees in time and failure to do so affects student’s performance in class.
  • Parents have a right to demand for records of work from their children and where necessary, guide them accordingly. For example, they have a right to see a report card and circular letters, working papers etc.

The role of Religious Leaders in school setting

  • Religious Leaders intentionally use religious text books to guide people with a purpose to impact change in the society
  • Religious leaders are responsible to add moral and spiritual feelings in the hearts of believers and save them from committing sins
  • Religious leaders have the power to promote and support public policies that protects the life of the people. E.g. abortion, breastfeeding in mothers
  • Religious Leaders play a powerful role in shaping attitudes, opinion and good behaviors because their followers have trust in them
  • Religious leaders command allegiance of billions of believers and bridge the gaps of race, tribe, color, class level, and nationality, advocating for equality and brotherhood
  • Religious leaders have a right to clarify to people and government that that politics is part of religion therefore you can’t separate them.
  • Religious leaders have a right to establish and work with international committees.


Head teachers and Teachers of private secondary schools in Mbale City Council, Mbale District (2021)

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2 Responses

  1. Wow,the research you have done is good because it enlights one and causes awareness of what is supposed to be done by the respective individuals.
    May Allah continue to elevate you dear

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