NCDC Disseminates Sub Math and Sub ICT research study findings-2018

National Curriculum Development Center (NCDC), having undertaken a study titled “Assessment of the Implementation of Sub Math and Sub ICT at A’level”, disseminated its findings to key stakeholders. The two dissemination workshops were conducted in Mbarara for Western Region and Kampala for the Central Region in the month of September, 2018. A summary of the proceedings for the two workshops was posted on the NCDC website and is re-shared below:

NCDC dissemination workshop  in Mbarara

NCDC conducted dissemination workshop  in Mbarara at Mbarara High school on the 18 sept 2018 participants were drawn from Isingiro district , Kaseese, Bushenyi, Ibanda, Mbarara , Ntungamo, Mitooma, Sheema. The majority were secondary school teachers of Sub-math and Sub-ICT, head teachers, university lectures from both Public and private specifically Bishop Stuart University Kampala International University  and officers from Religious Institutions. A total of sixty two (62) participants attended the workshop.  The facilitators were staff from from NCDC staff namely Mr. Myers Mumanyire, Ms. Irene Nakayenga, Ms. Frances Amulen and Ms. Enid Kamwine from Research and Evaluation department, Mr. Moses Tuhame and Mr. Remigious Baale Specialists for ICT and Mathematics respectively.


Participants after listening to the presentations of the study findings made the following comments and observations:-

  • The content of Sub-ICT (A’ level) and Computer Studies (O’ level) is the same.
  • Programming and Web designing topics at O’ level are given little time yet takes too long to teach them- should be shifted to A’ level.
  • The government ban on second hand computers yet new computers were too expensive for rural schools was unfair these schools.
  • Review of sub math should be done sooner than later.
  • Discouraged sub-math for science students and sub math for art students.
  • Government should extend power and computers to rural areas.
  • Government to aid rural schools with stable power in particular solar energy.
  • Review of the Sub-Math syllabus has started. The new syllabus hopefully in 2020 will be in schools and there will be no separation of sub math for science students and sub math for arts students.
  • Informed that some universities like Bishop Stuart have started graduating ICT teachers (double-main, ICT with Physics / Math/ Economics.) Even PGDE for ICT teachers is available.
  • A motivating factor for offering Sub-Math for example automatic admission to Bachelor of Commerce should be instituted.
  • Recommended consultative and participatory approach to policy making and in curriculum review to avoid introduction of polices as a directive in the media / newspapers.
  • Appreciated NCDC for doing the research, was convinced that the research findings were not concocted in NCDC offices.
  • Teachers teach too much content in sub math like its principal math indicating that mathematics teachers are not following the sub-math syllabus.
  • Teachers were advised to give students what they are to learn for the term or year.
  • Entrants at the university fail computer literacy especially practical even if the student had done sub ICT at A’ level.
  • Explained that the overlap between O’ level and O’ level content was being sorted out.
  • Ban on old computers was for the good of the users. Old computers emit dangerous substances.


Participants proposed the following as way forward o Retooling teachers in both subjects

  • Recruitment of more teachers for sub ICT and sub math by government o Review of the sub -math syllabus ‘
  • Sensitisation of both teachers and students to reduce bias especially against sub-math.
  • Government to lobby for funds for buying solar panels for schools in areas where there is no power.
  • Provision of more textbooks for Sub- ICT and Sub -Math o Involvement of higher institutions of learning during the implementation.


NCDC dissemination workshop  in Kampala

The Research and Evaluation Department organized a one-day workshop for disseminating research findings on the study on an Assessment of the Implementation of the Sub-Math and Sub-ICT Curricula at Advanced level in secondary school in Uganda to stakeholders in the central region. The above took place on 25th September 2018 was conducted at Nabisunsa Girls School by members of the Research and Evaluation Department and Specialists for Mathematics and ICT from the Secondary Department.The participants who attended the Kampala workshop were teachers of sub-math and SUB-ICT drawn from K ampala district, Mukono Wakiso, Mpigi, L uweero, Kayunga, Butambala , lectures from both public and private Universities ie University of Kisubi and Kyambogo also  Ministry of Education and Sports officials graced the occasion.


  • Participants identified that some topics listed for deleting cannot be eliminated because these topics will be found at the different course at Universities.
  • Participants proposed that universities be encouraged to run Post Graduate Diplomas for training Sub-ICT teachers.
  • Participants proposed that UNEB points be increased to 2 or 3 or the subject made a principal subject.
  • NCDC should find means of disseminating the study findings to all regions in Uganda.
  • NCDC should involve teachers in the review process for the two syllabuses.
  • Teachers were encouraged to change the teaching approaches/methods.
  • Teachers were encouraged to request school administrators and managers to ensure that there are at least few but working computers.
  • Institutions/schools should adopt the various power options such as using solar energy for powering the computer laboratories.
  • Participants were requested to kindly block pornographic websites or all websites with ‘bad’ content for the learners.
  • Teachers were encouraged to always use relevant and day to day activities/examples such that learners do not see a lot of abstracts in what they are learning.
  • Sub-Math teachers need to change the way they are teaching or their teaching methodologies.

Way Forward and Recommendations

  • Teachers need to look at teaching as a life skill or they need to adopt a research based teaching approach where they use day to day life examples and also show reality of what is being taught in class.
  • Sub-ICT teachers need to relate ICT skills to the real world that is use the approach of project learning where they set up projects and students pick examples from such projects to make the learning real.
  • Teachers should generally motivate their learners and also show care for the learners.
  • NCDC should upload the syllabus on the NCDC website.
  • Schools and their administrations are encouraged to purchase the syllabus books from NCDC.
  • NCDC needs to disseminate the study findings to all regions of Uganda. o Sub-Math teachers need to be oriented in better teaching methodologies.
  • School administrators, head teachers and all school management committees need to be enlightened and have these findings shared with them too.
  • UNEB needs to adopt a simplified mode of assessment.
  • Teachers are encouraged to do research and enrich themselves to improve their content and also stay relevant in class.
  • School administration should emphasise the continuous repair and maintenance of computers and their accessories.
  • The Ministry through NCDC should recommend to UNEB to always have NCDC specialists moderate exams to ensure that what is set/assessed is within the current and/or revised syllabuses.
  • There should be recruitment of more teachers for both Subsidiary subjects.

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