Here are the Manifestos for Aspirants vying for positions on the ITAU Central Region Executive

As the campaigns for ITAU Central Region Executive by-elections come to their climax tomorrow, ahead of the polling date on Wednesday 30th, we share some of the campaign messages some of the aspirants have submitted so far

As the campaigns for ITAU Central Region Executive by-elections come to their climax tomorrow, ahead of the polling date on Wednesday 30th, we share some of the campaign messages some of the aspirants have submitted so far in the order of first come first serve(appear).

All members are also encouraged to ensure they have accounts on this website and can login at Only logged in members will be able to vote. All members regardless of region will be free to vote. Procedures for voting will be published on Wednesday morning, the polling date (30th/01/2019).


I wish to introduce myself DUMBA STEPHEN intending to serve as Coordinator for the Central Region ITAU. Kindly read through my introductory brief.
An Italian writer Luciano de Crescenzo said that we are all angels with one wing and can only fly when we embrace each other.
Before ITAU, each of us may have thought that we were experts little knowing that it’s when you share what you know that you realise there is a lot more you don’t know.
Surprisingly, the membership of ITAU is so low compared to the number of ICT teachers out there. Many dont even know ITAU exists.
Personally, I have learnt a lot from the current group and can’t imagine how much more I can learn if we were more.
I have offered IT support in several schools in Uganda and realised a big knowledge gap between members. We can only reduce this gap if we work together. We therefore need the numbers.
📝I wish to add a helping hand in increasing enrollment in ITAU.
📝 I want to help in improving the involvement and participation of members in ITAU activities.
📝I want to help build a foundation for quality submissions in form of articles and the like on the ITAU website.
📝I will also help to find out the challenges teachers of ICT are facing.
Through this, we shall help schools have better quality teachers, and also help these schools make better informed decisions in areas concerning ICT.
Kindly share with me your views in my submission and better still GIVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE ON THE ITAU CENTRAL COMMITTEE this time round.


Whom am i?
Solomon Atwine is a aweb developer , entrepreneur, Teacher as well as a marketeer,Network administrator.currently working with SB danslavie as a network administrator as well as digital marketeer, he has worked as head of ICT Nsambya hillside high school mpigi since 2015. He holds a bachelors degree of business computing from markerere university 2019.
“Become a leading reference for develop-
ment the cadres and young professional
leaders in information and communication
technology sector.”
Excellence in developing human cadres and providing specialized consultation services for individuals and entities in the information and communication technology domain.
Support designing and developing models and prototypes to meet the socioeconomic technological development requirements.
Continuously focusing on staff development and commitment to uphold responsibility toward applying the social values.
I believe in building -up a highly professional, effective, fast-moving work environment, whereby we are mindful of creating value and making a difference.
P. -Professionalism
E-. Extra Mile
O.- Openness
P- Passion
L -Loyalty
E- Elation
I believe in going the extra mile stamping my work with excellence, leaving my finger-prints flavoring my work. I do believe in the magic created when everyone brings along his personal flavor to the table. I believe in a world with no borders where ideas and knowledge have no limits. I believe in the power of a diversified group of people united by one vision.I adopt an open window to all possibilities and anticipations. I am driven by passion, committed in heart and mind.i do what I love and I love what i do. I inspire to aspire. Am loyal to my humanity, identity, community and industry. Am accountable to leveraging a collective and powerful influence to enable and empower our beneficiaries, partners and the ICT ecosystem in Uganda and the world. I enjoy what I do. I create a positive environment, where “fun” and “work” are found correlated.
In light of the ongoing technological advancements, there is an increasing need for developing Ugandan youth digital skills to cope with the ICT sector growing demand. Through tapping into various target segments, ITAU aims to develop a sustainable domestic supply of qualified youth.==================================
“I will never consider defeat, and I will remove from my vocabulary such words as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, failure, and retreat, for these are the words of fools and cowards. ” Georgia Smoke Diver Creed
At one time or another we’ve all been on a really great team. Whether it’s the high school basketball team or a fledgling startup, the qualities of a great team are always the same; commitment, purpose, and an uncanny sense of being connected that amplifies your strengths and allows you to achieve at a level that you just couldn’t get to on your own. When on you’re on this sort of team you believe you can overcome any obstacle. It’s just plain magic, and once you’ve been there you forever look for a way back.
Once instituted in power as the CEO Cetral region I have to ensure,
1.Lead by example
2.Communicate your vision and a sense of purpose.
3.Establish and maintain an infrastructure that supports the work of the organization
4.Create trust with rituals and storytelling
5.Honour individual creativity and participation.
6.Use positive motivation
7.Learn what gives people joy and give them the opportunities to do it.
Ladies and Gentle men.
I call for ur vote on that day as am ready to inspire and serve you beyond reasonable understanding.
For God & my Country
Solomon Atwine


Am JOSHUA MUBIRU MUGERERE ICT& CST Tr. Basically Teaching , currently at Wakataayi SS and Mpigi SS in Luweero District. I have alot of profile but briefly that’s it.
Every leader needs a personal manifesto: something that lets everyone know their views, their thoughts, and their beliefs and intentions. When I create my manifesto, I instill a sense of transparency that makes it easy for others to respect, emulate and trust me.
I have created this manifesto, starting with what I value. Letting it be the guide that steers one to embrace my greatness.
Here are the Valuable points to my fellow CST & ICT Trs who want to experience greatness in ITAU in case you Vote me in power to take A lead as The V.PRESIDENT of the CENTRAL REGION or Secretary for FINANCE:
I will commit to being an authentic person.
When you commit to being genuine as a leader, you embrace all parts of who you are—the good, the bad, the weak, the strong, the gaps and the greatness. You’re committed to acknowledging and leveraging the sum of all your parts. If you can be genuine, you will win hearts and minds.
I will take responsibility for my life.
Commit to being fully responsible for your health, happiness and success. Refuse to blame others or make excuses for your problems and hold yourself fully accountable for whatever you do.
I will communicate in a way that conveys what I mean to say.
The words you speak and the way you communicate will always matter; every time you say something it provides a reflection on who you are, what you think and what you value. Make sure your heart and mind are saying the same thing.
I will remember to serve something bigger than myself.
The greatest rewards come when you give of yourself. It’s about bettering the lives of others, being part of something bigger than yourself, and making a positive difference. People want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to be in a situation where they feel that they are doing something for the greater good.
I will take ownership of my work and strive to make things better within my sphere of influence.
Leaders inspire accountability through their ability to accept responsibility before they place blame and the best leaders serve humanity in a way that lifts everyone around them. Accountability is the measure of a leaders height.
I will embrace resilience.
Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. Learn not to reject failure as fatal but instead to face everything with boldness and courage. When you do, you will gain the perspective that nothing is off limits and that every opportunity is a platform for future success experiences, because only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly.
I will invest in myself as I invest in others.
No leader sets out to be a leader. People set out to live their lives, expressing themselves fully. When that expression is of value, they become leaders. So the point is not to become a leader but to invest in yourself as a person. To use yourself completely – all your skills, strengths, gifts and talents– in order to make your vision manifest. You must never hold back. You, must, in sum, become the person you are meant to be, and to enjoy the process of becoming. The true great leaders are constantly making ongoing commitment with themselves to invest in their own growth as a leader and also in growth and training for those around them.
I will remember there is always free choice.
You may not always be able to change or choose your situation, but you will always be able to choose who you are going to be in the situation. Choose the character and the values that lead you to embrace your greatness.
I will dedicate myself to my calling.
Leaders aren’t born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve your greatness, because not everyone lives up to their calling. But if you know what is important to you, and if you know that what you do matters, you will put your best into what you do and how you do it. To live up to your calling is to tap into your greatness and embrace it.
Lead from within: Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It’s precisely that simple, and it’s also that complicated. Leadership is a choice and a privilege, learn to embrace the greatness it can bestow upon you
I can’t promise heaven on earth but the almighty knows what my heart yearns for the ITAU. Therefore, I ask your vote
by 30.01,2019 and continue to interact with me for mo

Wejuli Moses

Good evening the ICT fraternity, with humility and gratitude I just want to thank everyone who endeavors to willingly contributes to this fraternity for a noble cause and positive development of both individuals and the fraternity as a whole
Allow me to briefly introduce myself to you the noble people on this platform
My name is Wejuli Moses
A teacher of ICT/computer studies and mathematics.
I hold a bachelor’s of science and education in maths and computer studies
Have been a teacher of mainly ICT for now three years
Started my carrier at Aaron’s Christian High school, went to Shammah High School in Luweero, and now at St. Lawrence Citizens High School Horizon. That’s briefly about me.
My main aim for writing all the above is to bring to the light of this fraternity the person of me who has contested for the post of a secretary for projects on the central ICT teachers committee with an alternative of vice chairperson.
With a lot of experience in leadership at different levels and in various positions, I have been compelled to contest for this post (secretary for projects ) because that’s where I feel my capacity lies.
As a visionary leader, always aiming at making a contribution to the society and concerned about the well being of others, am humbly making my simple submission to this platform asking for your mandate and trust in the above position. My major aim for applying is based on a few yet very critical aspects as pertains the ICT fraternity and here they go
Promoting socioeconomic transformation of the ICT teachers
Many times we have always centered on social development and most notably professional development but one cancer that is eating up the teachers is economic development, I therefore come at this time with a mind well set to tackle that challenge but of course this comes with your mandate and a huge support from all of us here.
Ensuring the availability of funds to always support every activity of the association.
This can be achieved through various projects that we can set up and support as a team given that we already have the numbers and now only requiring the idea and mobilisation.
Aiming at ensuring the progress of ITAU SACCO.
Being one of the very best way of promoting and uplifting the teachers economic status, my focus lies on how to mobilise numbers to join the SACCO. This not only will help the individual teachers, but the association as a whole and most profoundly, it will do a lot of publicity for the association.
I would have wished to add more but my main emphasis lies on the above observation.
Am therefore requesting for your mandate so that the above ideas can be put into practice for the betterment of our association. Thanks so much good people.
Wejuli Moses
Secretary for projects


I have  6 years of experience  as a computer studies and ICT teacher which was obtained from Hilton High School Mukono where currently  I am the Head of Department computer/ICT. Due to excellent academic performance I was retained at Kyambogo University where right now a work as a lecturer for Business computing and Marketing.
Am a qualified certified public Accountant from ICPAU working as an internal auditor for Alto Junior School and Hilton Junior School.
With the above qualifications and experience I have so far registered the following achievements;
· I am the chief and head of organising committee that organises annual grand Computer studies/ICT seminars that have hosted hundreds of students in the country at Hilton and Seroma Christian High school.
· I have spearheaded the organisation of ICT teachers’ workshops at Hilton high school Mukono in the most recent years through our head teacher (Mr. Katimbo Gordon) who is the secretary for the association of all head teachers in central region.
· I have authored computer and ICT literature which is used in so many schools in the country in both theory and practical which include among others;
which include among others;
· Syllabus Based ICT for “A” level, 1st ,2nd,3rd edition
· Syllabus Based Computer Studies for “O” level
· ICT and Computer Studies Practical Manual for both “A” and “O” level
· A simplified Computer studies/ICT Handson Handbook
· I have managed to connect various teachers to some ICT jobs in different schools some of the members are on this plat form
My career Ambition:
“To excel at all levels of execution”.
This therefore propels me to contest or Vice Presidency or Secretary Finance Central Region ITAU, where I aim to;
· Improve on the participation an enrolment of members in the Association using the above experience and exposure.
· I wish also to expand on the ITAU boundaries to have more collaboration with High institutions Kyambogo in particular since  I am a key person there.
· Improve on its delivery and services to the members and the society at hand.
· I also intent to improve on our publications as the association since I will be voted as a vice president.
· To have a strong networking structure for bench marking and capacity building.
· Have an excellent communication and others as shall be adopted from my head.
· To have an excellent books of accounts and proper accountabilities with high degree of honesty.
NB: In case of any need evidence on the above just let me know.
I am committed to take Central Region ITAU forward.

Kibirige Peter

Good morning ladies and gentlemen men. Let me take this opportunity to thank the almighty God for our lives as ICT teachers.
Am by names of CPA.Kibirige Peter from mukono
Currently I am the HOD computer St John’s mukono and Agape Christian academy mukono.
I have been I this profession for 5 years now since year 2013 teaching in those very schools. I hold bachelor’s degree in business studies from kyambogo university.
I am contesting for the post of chairperson central region. With an alternative of v. Chairperson
As a chairperson of the central region I promise to work upon the following issues provided u entrust me with power.
1.To mobilise more teachers to join this association. i can see there many schools in central region but we a still few in our association and too also make sure that those who join us don’t leave but stay for ever.
2.To work upon unity in our association, I always see members attacking each other on several occasions.
3.organising seminars for ICT as central region as source of income to our association and we as teachers. i believe we can achieve that if we are together.
4.To organise refresh workshops for us the teachers with in the central region. I know many of us we need this and I believe we can achieve it. If u entrust me with power.
5.Not forgetting to work with the national committee to encourage the spirit of saving and togetherness through our Sacco.
I won’t promise heaven on earth but if you put me in power I promise to work upon those issues and many more.
I remain CPA. kibirige Peter.
Contesting as Chairperson central region for God and My country.


ICT Tr : Hillside Col Mityana & Mityana Col Kikumbi_Secretary Fo ITAU projects & Events.
“To handle yourself, use your head, To handle others , use yo heart “. Many mediocres believe & tell that its hard to lead acalvalry charge if you think you look funny on ahorse!.
Our chief WAnt as ITAU is sameone who will inspire & encourage us to be(become) what we know we could be.
Agood leader must be able to find remedy NOT the fault & wat mothers all is the descipline. The position_Secretary for ITAu projects & events needs one who is God fearing, trustworthy and above all aperson is extreemly desciplined. let us get one who knowz the way, goes the way & who can show the way.
I strongly believe and trust my lord that thru hiz wizdom, if am given the mandate, he will teach & instruct the way will took on this great assignment.
Note: in the book of philipians 2:3_6
Dont do anything from selfish ambition or from cheap desire to boast but be humble towards one another, always considering others better than yozelves & look out for one anothers interests Not just fo yo own. the attitude one must posez iz the one that christ jesuz had:_ he always had the nature of God but he did Not think that by force he should try to remain equal withGod.
So dear brothers & sisters, I present myself fo the above couse & I promise to remain Active, loyal and tapping more projects for Our association following our constitution.
Kule Abisai Kafuta is my Name, aseventhday adeventist, Qualifications: Bach_,IT & a PGD_E
Single but Thru God’s Guidance, am hopful that soon_kyijjjakuggwa””

Other Candidates

The rest of the shortlisted candidates have not yet sent in thier manifestos, all we have is the brief information they submitted through the application form as outlined below:

(i) chairperson

  1. Kibirige Peter (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2013 based in mukono), Tel: 0779189296
  2. Solomon Atwine (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2015 based in mpigi), Tel: 0706449995
  3. Sseebuwufu Moses (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2015 based in masaka), Tel: 0772485651

(ii) vice chairperson

  1. Kibirige peter (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2013 based in Mukono), Tel: 0779189296
  2. Mubiru Joshua Mugerere  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2011 based in Wakataayi SS And Mpigi SS(Luweero)), Tel: 0782527019
  3. Mutyaba Daniel  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2012 based in Mukono and Kampala), Tel: 0773926787
  4. Tumusiime Emmanuel (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2017 based in Kampala), Tel: 0702012703
  5. Wejuli Moses (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2017 based in Wakiso), Tel: 0758191392)

(iii) assistant secretary general

  1. Happy immaculate  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2015 based in Kampala, Kampala Polytechnic Mengo), Tel: 0772929385
  2. Negohe Jones  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2012 based in Mukono), Tel: 0704150419
  3. Remy Lubega (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2014 based in Wakiso district), Tel: 0701279231 / 0786612921
  4. Ssemuwemba mike (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2013 based in Mpigi), Tel: 0705857117
  5. Tumusiime Emmanuel (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2017 based in Kampala), Tel: 0702012703

(iv) secretary for finance

  1. Mutyaba Daniel  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2012 based in Mukono and Kampala), Tel: 0773926787
  2. Tumusiime Emmanuel (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2017 based in Kampala), Tel: 0702012703
  3. Mubiru Joshua Mugerere  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2011 based in Wakataayi SS and Mpigi SS(Luweero)), Tel: 0782527019

(v) secretary for projects and events

  1. Kule Abisai Kafuta (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2014 based in Mityana), Tel: 0784928416/0706620421
  2. Negohe Jones  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2012 based in Mukono), Tel: 0704150419
  3. Ssemuwemba Mike (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2013 based in Mpigi), Tel: 0705857117
  4. Wejuli Moses (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2017 based in Wakiso), Tel: 0758191392)
  5. Happy Immaculate  (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2015 based in Kampala, Kampala Polytechnic Mengo), Tel: +256 772929385
  6. Remy Lubega (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2014 based in Wakiso district), Tel: 0701279231 / 0786612921
  7. Stephen Dumba (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2010 based in Kampala), Tel: 0772111223

(vi) regional coordinator

  1. Namata Shakirah (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2018 based in mpigi), Tel: 0786906370
  2. Stephen Dumba (ICT / computer studies teacher since 2010 based in kampala), Tel: 0772111223

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