Digital Transformation Roadmap 2023 – 2028 Ministry of ICT and National Guidance

The ICT Sector is an undeniable enabler for Uganda’s social economic growth. The ICT sector continues to grow at an average growth rate of 14.8% and contributes 9% to Uganda’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The growth is a result of a combination of policy decisions and investments that have led to infrastructure coverage, increased internet penetration and roll out of e-services among others. This demonstrates the potential for ICT to further catalyze social economic growth of the Country. According to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a 10% increase in broadband penetration yields 1.4% in GDP growth.
Cognizant of the potential of ICT, the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance has developed this Digital Transformation Roadmap that identifies the key enablers to achieve the commitments set out in the Digital Uganda Vision. The roadmap therefore focuses on the how to get there whereas the Digital Uganda Vision sets the aspirations aligned to the overall national agenda set in the Vision 2040. The Roadmap is therefore aligned to the DUV pillars and designed to fit in a five year cycle given the dynamic and ever changing ICT landscape. This allows the country to create a firm foundation and also remain responsive to the environment changes.
The purpose of this roadmap is to guide the digital transformation efforts of Uganda, enabling it to capitalize on emerging technologies, enhance economic competitiveness, and improve the lives of our citizens. The document begins by assessing the current digital landscape in our country, the positioning of Uganda internationally and the current state of digital transformation.
We acknowledge the rapid pace of technological advancements, changing consumer behaviour, and the need for seamless integration of digital solutions across sectors. The country has made great progress in developing the legal and regulatory environment for digital transformation, developing e-services and cyber security. However, more work is required around integration of e-services, expansion of ICT infrastructure, acceleration of digital skilling, reduction of the cost of internet, increased innovation and the application of emerging technologies.

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