If you an IT professional and you feel you need to be more productive than ever, you shouldn’t deny the usefulness of hotkeys. They improve your everyday work and give an absolute boost in your productivity. These hotkey combinations will certainly come in handy for every user in in the windows family o/s.
Pressing E together with the Windows logo key opens up Explorer so you can instantly find a file you need. – To select all items and text in the browser page or document you’re working on, press Esc + Ctrl + Shift, and save your time. You can browse through all your recently used apps by using Tab + the Windows logo key command.
– Moreover, if you don’t have a mouse and need to move around on the screen, press Tab with the Up or Down Arrow. It’s just as comfortable and quick as working with a touchpad! – Alt + F opens file menu options for whatever program you’re working in. Alt + E takes you to edit options. – If you want to see the properties of a certain file or folder without looking for it in the settings, select the file and press Alt and Enter to see all the information you need.
– Whenever you need to see the Jump List for the program pinned to your taskbar, use Alt, the Windows logo key, and the [№] number of its position in your taskbar. No mouse necessary! – If you often zoom in and out of a page while working in a browser, try to press Ctrl and the + or – keys next time (as opposed to using your mouse). – Pressing the Windows logo key with B can help you select the first icon of the Notification Area. If you need any other icon, you can choose it using the arrow keys. – The Windows logo key, Ctrl, and B can instantly switch your computer to the program indicating a new message in your Notification Area.
If you have too many apps open and you need to use another one hidden behind all those windows on your desktop, you can minimize all of them at once by pushing the Windows key + M.
If you want much faster access to your most used apps, consider keeping them on your taskbar. It’ll speed up your workflow even more if you use the following combination: the Windows key + a number key from 1 to 9.
Open one app that you need for your work and press the Windows key + left arrow. Then, open another app and click the Windows key + right arrow. Now, two windows are sharing your screen!
-Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Tab will show you all the apps currently running on your PC. – To avoid restarting your device and losing all your progress, try using the following combo: Ctrl + Shift + Esc
Pressing the Windows key + E opens the file manager window on your PC.
The Windows key combined with the + or – key will open the magnifier app, which allows you to zoom in and out wherever you point your cursor.
Use the Windows key + Print Screen to take a screenshot and immediately save it in the Image folder on your hard drive.
To open Bluetooth, simultaneously press the Windows key + A.
If you need more tweaking or access to more advanced parameters of your PC, you can have it all! Use the Windows key + I to do just that. – To open Cortana on Windows in listening mode, press the Windows key + C
– If you suddenly need to step away from the computer but you don’t want anyone meddling in your stuff, you can quickly lock your user profile. Simply push the Windows key + L