Are schools taking ICT as a priority?

Although some schools are defying the odds to integrate these ICT tools in their student- learning pedagogy like online Sharing of learning materials through websites and use of online resources like github, some are still using old teaching methods without embracing these now essential tools which are unavoidable in today’s learning process.

I was disappointed when the ministry of education came out to issue recent guidelines regarding the corona virus recess of school institutions where by some universities that were planning to conduct online exams were given a ” red sign” warning to stop any of those activities.
Some of these institutions had already set up these facilities and prototypes on how they were going to conduct these exams so that the recess doesn’t interfear with their school calendar only for the ministry to quash everything .
And as the saying still goes ” if you can’t embrace change , change will change you”, they(ministry) went ahead and gave guidelines that they are going to be using local media to reach out to learners (isn’t that ICT) .

If the government and ministry cannot do it’s mandate and consider the priority subjects that are going to build learners of tomorrow intellectually, then ICT is still going To be taken for granted by schools.

ICT Depart

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